Dog Licenses Applications Due

If you own a dog, please complete the annual dog license application found on our website and return to the Town of Sioux Creek along with the proper fees by March 31st, 2025.

Wisconsin statutes require dogs 5 months of age or older to be licensed and vaccinated by a veterinarian for rabies.




You can pay your dog fees with cash or check. Please include a current rabies vaccination certificate if one is not already on file with the Town. This is not a receipt from your vet clinic but the actual vaccination certificate. If you do not have one, you can obtain another copy from your vet clinic. It should include the rabies tag number, date of vaccination and expiration date, vet/clinic name, name of the dog, male or female and if they are spayed or neutered. The certificate will be returned with your tags and receipt.

Notify the Clerk/Treasurer if your dog has passed or if you no longer own your dog.

LATE FEES: After March 31st a $5.00 late fee will be charged for EACH dog, and if not paid within the 10-day grace period the matter will be referred to the Barron County Sheriff’s Department. Persons with unlicensed dogs are subject to a minimum fine of $169.

  • To report animal issues such as a lost dog, stray dogs, or animal abuse – call the Barron County Animal Enforcement Officer at 715-537-3106.
  • LANDLORDS—Please notify your tenants of the dog license requirements.
  • Multiple Dog Licenses are available for $75.00 for up to 12 dogs, additional at $10.00 each

Make checks payable to the Town of Sioux Creek

Mail to 2077 3 ½ Avenue, Chetek, WI 54728

Or drop off at the Municipal Building. Payments can be placed in the secure drop box located inside the front entry if the office is closed.